附录2.美式发音教师培训工作坊:让顺畅沟通再无障碍 项目背景: 发音是语言学习的一个基本要素,在一门语言的学习阶段,发音标准往往会给学习者带来自信,而这种自信又会催生其学习的兴趣,兴趣又是最好的老师。因此,教师发音准确很大程度上能帮助学生建立良好的英语学习兴趣,伴以持之以恒的练习,中国学生也能不出国门学习到地道美语。 Course
Objective 课程目标 Upon completion of the
semester students will have: 完成本课程的学生能够达成: Increased ability to
understand and use English as it is actually spoken- Being taught by
native speakers, the students are introduced to language that they might meet
in everyday situation and scenarios. Practice ensures that they learn how to
use the language. ` 深刻英语在实际口语会话中的使用及理解 Expanded academic potential– Students will learn
academic language through practice and also learn to appreciate how language
differs in the context of an essay from verbal usage. 激发学术英语潜能 Better Cultural awareness- Students will speak
with a native speaker and be introduced to different local aspects of language,
they will also touh on the origins of these developments within the culture. 更佳的跨文化意识 Increased confidence when
speaking with native speakers- classes with native speakers who deliver
encouragement and friendly advice ensures students have increased confidence
speaking with native speakers. 与英语母语者会话的自信心提升 |