附录4. 美国名师工作坊:课堂上有效调动学生英语学习兴趣攻略 以学生为本的英语教学法 Classroom
Strategies and Tactics to Engage Students in Learning English Experienced American school English teachers share with Chinese English teachers strategies and tactics that aim to engage students in effective learning. By so doing, they hope to impart their pedagogical approaches and instructional skills and learn from the Chinese teachers about the success and challenges of EFL teaching and learning in China. 美国资深英语教师与中国英语教师分享课堂上有效调动学生英语学习兴趣的战略与战术。通过分享,他们希望介绍自己的教育理念和教学技巧,同时也向中国英语老师了解在中国作为外语英语教学上的经验和挑战。 Training goals: 培训目标: Demonstrate the theory and best practice of student-centered TESOL teaching and learning 展示以学生为中心的外语教学的理念和实践 Training objectives: Through training, participants will learn: 培训预期效果:通过培训,参训人员学到下列的知识和技能: 1) Principals of student-centered learning and its pedagogical applications. 以学生为中心的学习基本原则和教学教法上的运用。 2) Instructional strategies and tactics that engage students’ interest in learning a foreign language through reading. 通过阅读教学调动学生学外语的积极性的谋略和技巧。 3) Q & A: Effective ways to connect language learning with students’ personal experience and position the knowledge of foreign cultural contacts in contexts. 如何在教学提问中有机地连接英语及外国文化内容学习与学生的自身经历。 4) How to further textbook-related cultural and historical information of American daily life in classroom 如何在课堂上拓展课本中有关美国历史文化生活知识。 |